Main Hall(Yakuo-in Daihondo)– Cultural properties of Yakuo-in Temple③ –


Yakushi Nyorai and Izuna Daigongen are enshrined in the Main Hall.
This hall was built in 1884 by Komachi Kosaburo, a carpenter from Hachioji.
In the main hall, Ogomasyugyo, a prayer for the fulfillment of people’s wishes, is held every day.
In February 3 every year, a Setsubun-festival is held in front of the main hall, where Hachioji Kuruma Ningyo and Hachioji Geigi perform bean-throwing.
To the right of the main hall is the Taishi-do, a tangible cultural property designated by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. Ascending the stairs on the left, you will find Izuna Gongen-do Hall and Okunoin Fudo-do Hall. After that, the path leads to the summit of Mt.Takao.
